AboutThe Master Innholders


The Master Innholders is a leading force within the hotel industry – publicly recognised as a standard bearer for the industry offering career-changing training and support.

It aims to influence standards and extend professionalism within the industry; to promote consideration, study, discussion and research in the areas affecting hotel management including management development, training, education and recruitment.

Our three main objectives are to:
- Provide Education and Personal Development to young industry professionals
- Facilitate Discussion and Learning amongst the hotel profession.
- To support our industry’s charities.

There are currently over 150 Master Innholders, all of whom are, or have been, prominent hoteliers, dedicated and committed to promoting best practice in the industry.


In 1978, the Worshipful Company of Innholders took the first step towards renewing its connections with innholding and, together with some of the leading hoteliers in the country, established the Master Innholders, membership of which acknowledges the attainment of the highest international standards in hotel management.

With the full support of the Worshipful Company of Innholders and the Institute of Hospitality, the Master Innholders have gradually increased in number and have grown their influence and charitable activities within the hotel industry.

To read more about the history of the Master Innholders, click here to download The Master Innholders – A History e-book.

The Master Innholders Charitable Trust

The Trust is registered as a charity whose purpose is the advancement of management education. The Master Innholders Charitable Trust receives any surplus from the annual trading of Master Innholders Ltd. It provides grants to support additional scholarships to augment the funds provided by the main donors. It also provides funds from time to time to support other industry initiatives.

Registered Charity No: 1003371

The Charitable Trust was created by Deed on 10th May 1991 and registered with the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales on 20th July 1991.

The trustees are: Lord Thurso MI, Mr Terence Holmes MI, Mr Derek Picot MI.

Past Chairman

2020-22                David Morgan-Hewitt 

2018-20                Danny Pecorelli

2016-18                Stuart Bowery

2014-16                Jonathan Raggett

2012-14                Andrew Stembridge

2010-12                Stuart Johnson

2009-10                Michael Gray

2007-09                Andrew McKenzie

2005-07                Richard Ball

2003-05                Graham Bamford

2002-03                David Wilkinson

2001-02                Duncan Palmer

2000-01                Trevor Forecast

1990-2000            Peter Crome

1997-1999            Nicholas Rettie

1995-97                Rt. Hon. The Viscount Thurso

1994-95                Barry Cole

1992-94                Peter Lederer OBE

1990-92                Richard Edwards

1989-90                Craig Drummond

1988-89                Douglas Barrington OBE

1987-88                Malcolm Reed

1986-87                George Goring OBE

1985-86                Harry Murray

1984-85                David Baird-Murray OBE

1983-84                Gerald Milsom OBE

1982-83                Arthur Neil

1981-82                Ronald Jones OBE

1980-81               John Alderman

1978-80                Douglas Barrington OBE