Find out more The Great Big Christmas Turn On
On Tuesday 3 December 2019, the Hospitality Industry is going to establish a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® title.

We are going to turn on the largest number of simultaneously illuminated Christmas trees ever, all in different locations around the UK.
In conjunction with Hospitality Action, THE GREAT BIG CHRISTMAS TURN ON is also going to raise thousands of pounds for those of our colleagues that need help, advice and support whenever times get tough, and particularly at this time of year. We hope that together we can achieve a total of more than 1000 Christmas trees, spread far-and-wide in hospitality venues across the country, and all then simultaneously bursting into light on the 3rd December 2019.
The trees will be located in hotel receptions, hospital common rooms, pubs, gardens & terraces, or in-fact anywhere that a beautifully illuminated Christmas tree is ready to be lit up, in a spectacular simultaneous switch-on.
It’s simple for venues to take part. Visit THE GREAT BIG CHRISTMAS TURN ON web page and pledge £99. All proceeds go to Hospitality Action. Each participating location will receive a unique smart plug, powered by VIVID Hospitality Solutions. We’ll also provide some information on how to make the most of the marketing opportunity, and after the turn-on we’ll send a commemorative certificate, to honour the venue’s part in creating the World Record.
For more information or to get involved, please click here.