Find out more When was the last time you learnt something new?
It’s easy to get carried along in the hectic schedules of the normal working day. Jumping from one project to the next there seems to be never enough time in the day to get around to everything. Learning, training, and development are therefore often a last-minute thought when it comes time for annual reviews, and not a regular feature of the working experience.

According to the latest publication from the Office for National Statistics on job related training received by employees, only 14% of employees aged 25-34 and 35-49 were receiving training (Source: Labour Force Survey, 14/08/18). Yet those that do make the investment in learning and development reported it to be critical to success by 94% of the best performers in the UK L&D Report 2018. With markets becoming even more crowded, it is imperative for both individuals and companies to prioritise the learning environment to find a way to be competitive.
In addition, training and development is proven to reduce staff turnover. Businesses that spend above the national average of £300 per staff member on training report having better retention rates, none exhibiting a rate of less than six months (Source: UK L&D Report 2018).
Learning doesn’t stop at school. In fact, it is something to encourage and develop throughout your lifetime, even in to older age. Keeping the brain active is both stimulating and rewarding.
For those unsure of where to start, which course to pick, and how to make the business cases for those more advanced learning opportunities, conferences and seminars are a great way to take first steps in to this environment. Covering a selection of the most relevant topics and knowledge for the industry, a conference can widen perspectives to the opportunities available and inspire immediate action.
Even for more seasoned professionals with a plan for their own development can reap the rewards of conferences on a regular basis. Updating their knowledge and getting expert advice on the latest trends is invaluable to ensure you are on top of your game. Networking opportunities are also rife, providing inspiration and connections that could lead to further partnerships and collaborations.